Stennett Cyril  



6 weird facts about the world’s porn consumption

Data’s getting even sexier these days, thanks to new tools and applications, new analytical capacities and unfortunately, new ways to breach individual privacy, as the NSA spying scandal shows. But who’s looking at the data of sex itself?

The answer is Insights, the data blog run by PornHub — a.k.a., the world’s largest porn site. Its dedicated team of statisticians has compiled information from over 14.7 billion (!) site visits in 2013 to share the heartwarming story of porn usage around the world.

You can check out disaggregated data — such as top search terms by country, top visits by month (January), top visits by weekday (Monday) and average time spent on site (9 minutes). You can also peruse trends — such as spikes after major world events, how income levels affect viewing habits, what Americans do during government shut downs and which Latin American country is winning at porn.

Some key findings:

- “British” is among the top 3 search terms in England and Scotland and Northern Ireland andWales. The Queen would be very proud.

- “German” is the top search term in Austria. It’s also the top search term in Germany! Meanwhile “Japan” is popular throughout Asia, according to data analysis of a similar website, PornMD. What’s really fascinating is how often countries actually do search for their own nationality. But this may be less about patriotism than the fact that the United States still dominates the internet, including online porn.


- Economic crisis is a libido killer, even for free porn. Greece’s porn-surfing has decreased 7 percent in recent years.

- And finally, Kentucky is really into Japanese hentai. Who knew?

For more “research,” visit PornHub’s blog itself. [Note: there are no nude photos or racy box-and-whisker plots but there are some adult topics. Plus, your browser may block the site.] KRAZY!

1. The bushes and clouds in Super Mario Bros are the same, just colored differently.

3. In 1903 the Wright brothers flew for 59 seconds. 38 years later the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. 28 years after that, we landed on the moon.

4. When a male bee climaxes, their testicles explode then they die.

5. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the first Moon landing than to the building of the Great Pyramid.

6. Duck Hunt is two player. A controller in port 2 controls the ducks.

7. There are more fake flamingos in the world than real flamingos.

8. The adult human has two to nine pounds of bacteria in his or her body.

9. Blue whales heart is the size of a VW Beetle and that you could swim through some of its arteries.

10. Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.

11. All of the gold mined in the history of the world would more or less fit into a 20x20x20 meter cube.

From wikipedia:
A total of 165,000 tonnes of gold have been mined in human history, as of 2009.1 This is roughly equivalent to 5.3 billion troy ounces or, in terms of volume, about 8,500 cubic meters, or a 20.4m cube.
  •  Meteorites were very important to ancient Egyptians, they created jewelry from meteorites by hammering it into shape making beads and other designs. The jewelry was often buried with loved ones.
  • After spending 17 years underground, 2013 is the year the Cicada bug is expected to emerge by the billions on the east coast of the United States. Some estimate trillions will arrive.
  • The worlds largest yacht is 590 feet (approximately 197 yards) long and 94,000 horsepower.
  • The restaurant ‘White Castle’ is Americas oldest and 1st hamburger chain.
  • Whodunnit? Mystery solved! 9 cases with 12 bottles in each case of 100 year old historic whiskey was found in the walls of a mansion during a renovation with the whiskey bottles still full. The cases were stored in the living room but when later checked discovered 52 bottles appraised at over $102,000 were now empty. DNA from the mouth of the bottles pointed directly to the 62 year old caretaker who has denied the accusations.
  • A Jet Blue flight was grounded and placed out of service after a woman spots a 4 inch scorpion between her legs. The scorpion reportedly crawled from between her legs to under the seat while the flight continued to it’s destination where it was then placed out of service.
  • Vaejovis Brysoni is the name given to the latest species of scorpion discovered by biologists. The scorpion was named in part after the individual who originally found the specimen in February 2013 (Robert Bryson Jr.) The scorpion was found in the Santa Catalina mountains of Arizona.
  • In January of 2013 security officials at O’Hare International airport in Chicago found 18 human heads still covered in skin. In 2010 an Arkansas airport found 60 human heads and pieces of heads. Both were in route to medical facilities but had errors in the paperwork. Weird!
  • In February 2013 a komodo dragon said to be approximately 2 meters (6 – 6.5 feet) long wondered into an office and attacked two men with it’s razor sharp teeth leaving them injured with stitches and in the hospital.
  • In 1938, Time Magazine chose Adolf Hitler for man of the year.
  • Twelve people have walked on the moon but the last time was 1972 so it’s now been over 40 years since anyone has stepped foot on the moon. 
  • Other than the Earth, the moon is the only other known natural astrological object ever walked on.
  • Scientists voiced concern in 2012 about how radiation may be affecting humans after a recent finding of mutant butterflies in Japan with abnormal legs, eyes, wings and other mutations were discovered. The mutations were caused by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident which was triggered by a major tsunami in March 2011. The tsunami was a direct effect of an earthquake.
  • Humans and giraffes both have seven vertebrae bones in the neck. It’s not unusual for a mammal to have 7 vertebra bones in the neck but it’s interesting that the long neck of a full grown giraffe has the same amount.
  • The active ingredient in most toothpastes is called sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride can be lethal, young children using regular toothpaste with this ingredient should be monitored. Even swallowing small amounts can cause stomach problems or worse.
  • Over 3 million people globally every month search for something online with the words interesting facts in it according to the most popular search engine.
  • There are no land snakes in New Zealand. It’s part of New Zealand’s bio security to keep all snakes out and if a person is aware of a snake, by law it must be reported.
  • New Zealand is free of heart worm disease, most ticks and rabies.

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North Dakota has never had an earthquake.

Alexander Graham Bell (who invented the telephone) also set a world water-speed record of over seventy miles an hour at the age of 72.

There is enough fuel in a full tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car four times around the world.

Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year.

Chimps are the only animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror.

The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.

If you keep a goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.

In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.

Almonds are members of the peach family.

Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.

Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.

One person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.

If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.

More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes.

The dot that appears over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

All major league baseball umpires must wear black underwear while on the job (in case their pants split).

The Spanish word esposa means "wife." The plural, esposas, means "wives," but also "handcuffs."

If all Americans used one third less ice in their drinks the United States would become a net exporter instead of an importer of energy.

If the Nile River were stretched across the United States, it would run nearly from New York to Los Angeles.

San Francisco cable cars are the only National Monuments that move.

The Hoover Dam was built to last 2,000 years. Its concrete will not be fully cured for another 500 years.

Abraham Lincoln's dog, Fido, was assassinated too.

All of David Letterman's suits are custom made - there are no creases in his suit trousers.

Cranberry Jell-O is the only flavor that contains real fruit flavoring.

Fewer than half of the 16,200 major league baseball players have ever hit a home run.

In comic strips, the person on the left always speaks first.

Richard Versalle, a tenor performing at New York's Metropolitan Opera House, suffered a heart attack and fell 10 feet from a ladder to the stage just after singing the line "You can only live so long."

If the entire population of earth was reduced to exactly 100 people, 51% would be female, 49% male; 50% of the world's currency would be held by 6 people, one person would be nearly dead, one nearly born.

In 1920, Babe Ruth out-homered every American League team.

Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England, but only in tropical fish stores.

Toxic house plants poison more children than household chemicals.

The original name of Bank of America was Bank of Italy.

The ant, when intoxicated, will always fall over to its right side.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles has issued six driver's licenses to six different people named Jesus Christ.

Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike each year than all the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.

People in China and Japan die disproportionately on the 4th of each month because the words death and four sound alike, and they are represented by the same symbol.

Chicago is closer to Moscow than it is to Rio de Janeiro.

Dogs have two sets of teeth, just like humans. They first have 30 "puppy" teeth, then 42 adult teeth.

In 1950, President Harry Truman threw out the first ball twice at the opening day Washington DC baseball game; once right handed and once left handed.

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